Filmul A Home at the End of the World spune povestea a doi prieteni din copilarie care isi infrunta relatiile trecute, inclusiv a lor impreuna cu o noua prietena in New Yorkul anilor '80. Prietenia lor devine un triunghi amoros in timp ce se lupta cu moartea unui tata si o sarcina neasteptata. Este povestea care se intinde pe o perioada de 20 de ani din viata unor prieteni foarte buni, dar care sunt foarte diferiti. Din Cleveland-ul anilor '60 pana in New York-ul anilor '80, Bobby Morrow si Jonathan Glover raman impreuna si intre timp o cunosc si pe Clare care va interveni intre ei, dar care va fi cel de-al 3lea membru al unei familii care in cele din urma va trebui sa faca fata pierderii cuiva drag. Intrebearea este daca acest triunghi amoros va supravietui trecerii timpului, mai ales atunci cand un al 4lea membru este pe cale de a se naste ?
SLC Punk!
Filmul are ca baza cultura punk, focalizandu-se pe viata a doi punkisti, Stevo si Bob, dornici de anarhie si sa-si schimbe viata monotona pe care o duc in micul oras Salt Lake. Filmul acopera toate rutinele dintr-o zi a unui punkist, iar modalitatea personajului-narator accentueaza realismul: unul dintre punkisti se imbolnaveste, sta in spital pentru o perioada de trei saptămani, o scena dintr-un concert, o bataie intre punksisti. Viata lui Stevo se schimba radical in momentul in care il gaseste pe Bob dupa o petrecere in care a luat droguri cu alcool. Schimbarea este atat de brusca incat la sfarsitul filmului Stevo zice ca daca el din trecut l-ar fi intalnit pe el din viitor, el din trecut l-ar fi batut pe el din viitor.
Citate celebre despre femei.
Barbatii au descoperit focul, dar femeile au descoperit cum sa se joace cu el. – Sarah Jessica Parker
Femeile sunt pasionate de matematica. Isi impart varsta la 2, dubleaza pretul hainelor si adauga intotdeauna 5 ani la
varsta prietenei cele mai bune. – Marcel Achard
Ce e femeia? Nu stiu, dar sunt multe! – Emil Brumaru
Femeia e ca inghetata: daca nu o mananci repede, se topeste. – Bisanne de Soleil
In cea mai mare parte a istoriei, anonimul a fost o femeie. – Virginia Woolf
Fetele, ca moliile, sunt intotdeauna atrase de stralucire. – George Gordon Noel Byron
O femeie poate ierta cateodata un barbat care incearca sa o seduca, dar niciodata pe barbatul care rateaza o ocazie atunci cand i se ofera. – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Perigord
Femeile sunt al doilea mare mister al omenirii. – Anne Rice
Nicio femeie nu e frumoasa sau urata pana nu ajungi s-o cunosti. – Marin Preda
Femeia este o mancare pentru zei, gatita de diavoli. – William Shakespeare
Femeile sunt pasionate de matematica. Isi impart varsta la 2, dubleaza pretul hainelor si adauga intotdeauna 5 ani la
varsta prietenei cele mai bune. – Marcel Achard
Ce e femeia? Nu stiu, dar sunt multe! – Emil Brumaru
Femeia e ca inghetata: daca nu o mananci repede, se topeste. – Bisanne de Soleil
In cea mai mare parte a istoriei, anonimul a fost o femeie. – Virginia Woolf
Fetele, ca moliile, sunt intotdeauna atrase de stralucire. – George Gordon Noel Byron
O femeie poate ierta cateodata un barbat care incearca sa o seduca, dar niciodata pe barbatul care rateaza o ocazie atunci cand i se ofera. – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Perigord
Femeile sunt al doilea mare mister al omenirii. – Anne Rice
Nicio femeie nu e frumoasa sau urata pana nu ajungi s-o cunosti. – Marin Preda
Femeia este o mancare pentru zei, gatita de diavoli. – William Shakespeare
Here are some strange facts.
A rat can last longer without water than a camel.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and
down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily!
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down
so you could see his moves.
The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet.
Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin
look-alike contest.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and
down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily!
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down
so you could see his moves.
The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet.
Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin
look-alike contest.
Daca ajung aici pot sa mor fericita...
Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.
The Mono Jacks
The Mono Jacks is a four-piece hailing from Bucharest, Romania whose visceral, indie-inflected wall of sound immediately brings to mind Interpol, Editors and White Lies.
From the very first show in late 2008, the band decimated expectations and became immediately one of the most acclaimed new Romanian acts.
Started by Doru Trascau (guitar/vox), a veteran of the local alternative rock movement, the band is made up of Dorian Cazacu (drums), Florin Vasile (guitar/back-vox) and Alex Voicu (bass).
Their seductive, incendiary post-rock rythms with visible traces of '90s alternative and the band's contagious live chemistry are responsible for some of the best concerts on Bucharest's music scene and for topping the alternative charts with their debut single, ‘Maria’ in the summer of 2010.
From the very first show in late 2008, the band decimated expectations and became immediately one of the most acclaimed new Romanian acts.
Started by Doru Trascau (guitar/vox), a veteran of the local alternative rock movement, the band is made up of Dorian Cazacu (drums), Florin Vasile (guitar/back-vox) and Alex Voicu (bass).
Their seductive, incendiary post-rock rythms with visible traces of '90s alternative and the band's contagious live chemistry are responsible for some of the best concerts on Bucharest's music scene and for topping the alternative charts with their debut single, ‘Maria’ in the summer of 2010.
Guerrilive Radio Session: The Mono Jacks from veioza arte on Vimeo.
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